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Vehicle Crash

What’s the Difference Between Criminal Law and Civil Law?

That’s a good question. Criminal law deals with crime and the legal punishment of criminal offenses. Some examples are theft, assault, robbery, trafficking in controlled substances, and murder. A defendant who’s found guilty is punished by incarceration and/or fines. Crimes are broken down into two categories—felonies and misdemeanors. On the other hand, civil law...
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March 18, 2024

When to Hire an Attorney After an Auto Accident

If you’re involved in an automobile accident, you’ll no doubt have many questions and concerns. There will be incalculable medical bills, damage to your car or truck, and lost wages. To add more to your aches are the constant calls from insurance companies. If you’re trying to recuperate, how will you address these issues?...
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February 20, 2024

Michigan Court of Appeals Broadens Definition of ‘Unlawful’ Under Michigan PIP Law

In a recent appeal, an insurance company argued that a trial court erred in denying its motion for summary disposition under MCR 2.116(C)(10) because there was no genuine question of fact that the plaintiff was unlawfully operating the car, and therefore wasn’t entitled to PIP benefits under the Michigan No-Fault Act,. Background Carlonda Swoope...
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January 8, 2024

Truck Driver Fatigue and Accidents

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, roughly one in 25 adult drivers report having fallen asleep while driving, and many more admit to driving when they were sleep-deprived. These stark figures show the prevalence of drowsy driving. What drivers may not know is the risk that drowsy driving puts them –...
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December 27, 2023

Amazon Driver Accidents

With everyone shopping online more and more, there are a lot more delivery drivers on Michigan roads. According to the most recent figures, it’s estimated that roughly 60 million packages are distributed each day in the U.S., and that high volume forces package delivery companies like Amazon to push their workers to the brink,...
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